The One Thing You Need to Write Your Story

Twelve years ago I was a new mom, struggling to figure out what my purpose was in life again. I had spent the past six years prior believing I would teach and this would be my purpose. Now, as a new mom, I had two years under my belt as a teacher only to find myself a stay-at-home mom.

What now? 

My dream in college had been to write. Majoring in English did really appeal to me. So I choose to major in Education, with secret dreams to maybe write one day. As a new mom in 2008 I found blogging. When I started I had NO idea what I was doing. In fact, if you go back into the archives in this blog you will see.

How would I find my writing path? It took years to figure it out. Literally it took me almost ten years before I would sit in front of an editor and pitch a book idea.

This ONE thing you need to write your story is what I wish I had twelve years ago. Hope*writers. Hope*writers is a community for the writer, but it is so much more. There are hours of training no matter what kind of writer you want to be.

Hope*writers is a community of working writers dedicated to helping you make progress as you learn to balance the art of writing with the business of publishing.

Hope*writers takes it seriously the creative, social, and spiritual call to the deep work of sharing our stories and ideas with the people who need them the most.

Hope*writers helps writers find and follow the path to sharing their words with a reader — without feeling lost, discouraged, or overwhelmed.

Depending on when you are reading this, open enrollment may or may not be open. But this resource is available ANY time.

The Hope*Writer Quiz

If you’re a writer curious about publishing (and you’ve been on the Internet for five minutes) you already know it’s easy to get information about how to publish a book. Lack of information is not the problem.

The problem is there’s so much information about writing and publishing that it’s hard to know where to start and, more importantly, who to trust.

What do you do first? Which pieces are most important? Why can’t there be a path to follow?

Well, there is a path. There’s a step-by-step process to move from writing to publishing and it doesn’t have to feel like a unicorn mystery.

By the way, “publishing” simply means getting the writing from your head into the hands of a reader.

From a blog post to a book, publishing is about sharing your work. It’s not for the faint of heart (but you already know that).

The good news is you are already on the writing path!

But before you can get to where you think you want to go, first you have to know where you are.

The hope*writers have created a short, fun quiz for you to take to discover where you are on the writing path and how to move forward.

To access it all you need to do is click on this link right here.*

I hope you will join me in Hope*writers. I don’t like to spend a lot of money on my writing, but this community is a priority. I can’t imagine doing this writing life alone – and you shouldn’t either. 

The Next Open Enrollment is from May 18-22, 2020

*This post contains affiliate links. Read my statement here.

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