The Glorious Ordinary Book

My everyday life is pretty routine. I never jet off to exotic places or even travel downtown for a job. I spend most of my days in my home, raising my children, cleaning carpets, and walking on sticky floors.

I used to rush through life, planning and doing. Even our adoption was planned.

Then one day I was forced to slow down. My life came to a sudden snail’s pace as my plans went out the window.  I was suddenly handed a new blueprint for life.

This book is about walking one day at a time. Even though walking is so ordinary, don’t get discouraged. I understand that the deepest part of your heart just wants this hard place to be over.

I ask you to walk through whatever circumstance you are facing one day at a time with me. You aren’t alone and you are made to be exceptional, right here.

  • Are you struggling in the ordinary days?
  • Do find it hard to just make it through?
  • Is life full of messes in the mundane?
  • How can you find peace, right now?
  • Do you need a Bible reading plan you can actually follow?

This book is a nine-week Bible study focusing on living day-by-day. Each week includes an introduction, five days of homework, memory verses, and suggested ideas for prayer.

In this study you will find my unique PRAY method for studying Scripture:

P – Prepare – Study key words and a basic introduction to the passage.

R – Read – Read in various translations and write out the passage.

A – A Little Deeper – Study cross references for the passage.

Y – Your Turn – What does this passage teaches us about God and ultimately ourselves?

Develop a deeper and more personal relationship with God!

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9 lock screens for your phone & 9 memory verse cards.

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