Want peace and hope in your life today?
Don’t let weariness and disillusionment rob you of a life filled with rest. Discover how God’s Word is the place to start. Let’s read the Bible together!
You can connect with God through His Word and replace feelings of disappointment with perfect peace.
Have you ever felt empty and tired? Always distracted? Are you embarrassed to admit you don’t read your Bible? Do you long to connect with God? Feel the peace that comes with really knowing and understanding what the Bible says?
I want to help you!
Sarah’s New Release

I Didn’t Sign Up for This
How to Rest in God’s Goodness When Your Story Shifts
This wasn’t part of the plan. The story wasn’t supposed to go this way. I didn’t sign up for this. If you’ve ever had these thoughts, chances are that your story has shifted in some unexpected way. Perhaps it’s even turned totally upside down, and you’re wondering how in the world to move forward.
Friend, let God pick you up and show you how to grow through whatever detour, setback, heartache, or disappointment life has thrown at you. Like Moses, you may not have signed up for the path you’re on, but God can—and will—see you through it.
Hi, I’m Sarah
I love to share how God can change a disappointed life into one that is rooted in peace! As a busy mom of 5 children (in elementary, middle, and high school, and one puppy who needs constant attention), I know how challenging it can be to find the time, focus, and strength to make Bible reading a habit in your life.
I also believe that God wants to meet you in the pages of His word, and you don’t have to have a Bible degree to understand the Bible!
That’s why I created the resources here. To give you the tools, knowledge, encouragement, and practical steps you need to find the right focus in order to experience peace – right where you are. Don’t wait until the “perfect time” to start reading your Bible. Start today. It’s time to let go of the weariness and welcome God’s healing power into your everyday life.
As of today, I’ve helped thousands of women find strength and encouragement to connect with God so that she can replace feelings of discouragement, discomfort, and disappointment with God’s daily peace.

How to Study the Bible Workbook
If you are a woman who wants to learn the basics of how to read or study your Bible, simply enter your name and email to receive a FREE workbook on how to study the Bible!