Motherhood is a Journey

No one really prepared me for motherhood, or the fact that it is a journey. So much has changed since I first wrote the following words (six years actually) and I’m still on a journey.  I remember being at the stage where my children were very naughty in public. Motherhood is humbling. And I think that lesson I’m still learning. There are lessons in motherhood and those lessons are different for all of us. But there is one thing motherhood…

Why We Should Attend Church with Kids

Do you attend church with kids? A mark of the Spirit is faithfulness (Gal. 5:22-23). We are all called to serve and edify other believers.  Our service glorifies our heavenly Father. Serving in church with little ones can be difficult. But attendance can reap so many benefits! To attend church with kids means we must be intentional as well. Faithful means dependable, trustworthy, and to be counted on.  Faithful in church attendance is being at every service, when possible.  Not just being there to serve…

Remember to Laugh

Sharing again my “Honest Moments – Remember to Laugh.” Make sure to hop on over to Keri’s Living in This Season as well today!   When life is hard, we can laugh. Whenever life is sad, we can laugh. When life is busy, we can laugh. Whenever life is confusing, we can laugh.     Ok, some things are not funny – but one thing I have come to love is this:    My children can always make me laugh….

Honest Moments: My Birth Story

Honest Moments: My Birth Story didn’t go as planned… On Wednesday, May 14 2008, I left school at noon because I had an appointment at 4:00 that afternoon. Jason got off work early so he met me there and was in the room when the nurse practitioner came in and basically said that I had Preeclampsia (high blood pressure and protein in my urine) and I was going to go to the hospital. The doctor came in minutes later. We…