Search Results for: God's promises

Is Your Boat Sinking?

Thunder cracked in the middle of the night. But it wasn’t the storm that woke me. I heard a faint cry coming from the bedrooms. I rolled out of bed. Inside the dark room, I heard another whimper and picked up the child. The little one was half awake and drenched in sweat. I calmed…

The Faith of a Harlot

Rahab. The prostitute, with her red cord and brazen lies are the subject of books, commentaries, and articles. Rahab. A woman who started out with a questionable past and then finds herself in the linage of Christ. Rahab leads our study on faith for the month of November. Rahab’s story is found in the first few…

31 Days {Perhaps}

{Perhaps} Perhaps. Perhaps I will do this tomorrow. Perhaps I will do it my way. Perhaps God will do it. Perhaps. Maybe. Wondering and wishing. Nothing solid. Nothing definite. Living a life of perhaps leads to a house built on sand. On the edge of a river. A life of perhaps will be washed away…