Search Results for: jesus and coffee

Prayer and Thanksgiving

Prayer and Thanksgiving The scrolling took me by surprise. I wouldn’t believe that I was still scrolling through social media when I had a ton of work to do. My heart felt heavy as I closed my phone and put it aside. I pulled out my Bible. The whole reason I had gotten up early…

The Hard and the Holy

The Hard and the Holy Today’s Guest Post is written by Jen Weaver. Last year I recorded a series on what’s “Hard and Holy” in the holidays. Turns out, that message was what I needed most. Sometime in 2020, I’d scribbled an outline for a podcast to help busy Christian women have uncommon conversations with…

When Service Looks Like Sippy Cups and Sticky Floors

When Service Looks Like Sippy Cups and Sticky Floors  “I am ready to be offered.” It is a transaction of the will, not of sentiment….Tell God you are ready to be offered, and God will prove Himself to be all you ever dreamed He would be.” – Oswald Chambers Picking up dirty socks wasn’t exactly…