Search Results for: hope

Teach Them Truth

Sharing my….. My oldest son is in first grade.  We are in our second year homeschooling. Let me just say to moms of beginning readers: Bless You.  Bless Us All.  We are saints.  Our patience level is beyond compare.  If we want to torture our enemies, just send in a beginner reader and have them…

Eyes Off of the Pool

In John 5 we read a spectacular story. Jesus heals a man that has been sick for a long time.  The interesting part isn’t necessarily the miracle.  Of course it is amazing that Jesus heals this man.  What is even more amazing is a simple question Jesus asks the man first. When Jesus meets him, this man is…

Everyday Eternity

Psalm 102:18 – “This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the LORD.”   My children hear me say a lot.  Don’t touch that.Take off your shoes.Take your plate to the sink.Wait!Don’t run.Hold my hand.Say please.A lot of my instructions and directions deal with the…

My Favorite Things

Recommendations Here are a few of my favorite things!….keep checking back as I will add to the list!* Books! Non-Fiction The Promise is His Presence by Glenna Marshall – I read this book in one day. Yes, one day. I felt like I was reading Glenna’s personal journal and learning from her as she walked the…