Jesus and Coffee
The Good Competes with the Best
One of my favorite devotionals in the past few years has been Cynthia Heald’s “Becoming a Woman of Simplicity.” (affiliate) One of my favorite chapters was “The Good Competes with the Best.” In it, she describes that sometimes we choose lots of good things, but neglect the one or two best things. I really enjoy reading her studies because she not only has you look up a lot of scripture, but she provides lots of quotes from various people.
In seeking the Best we soon find that our enemy is our good things, not our bad. The things that keep us back from God’s best are not sin and imperfection, but the things that are right and good and noble from the natural standpoint…. Very few of us debate with the sordid and evil and wrong, but we do debate with the good. – Oswald Chambers
So how do we choose the best? How do we distinguish what is good and what is best?
At first, we want the awareness of being guided by God. But then, as we grow spiritually, we live so fully aware of God that we do not even need to ask what His will is, because the thought of choosing another way will never occur to us. If we are saved and sanctified, God guides us by our everyday choices. And if we are about to choose what He does not want, He will give us a sense of doubt or restraint, which we must heed. Whenever there is doubt, stop at once. Never try to reason it out saying, “I wonder why I shouldn’t do this?” God instructs us in what we choose; that is, He actually guides our common sense. – Oswald Chambers
And what really encouraged my heart was that she gave me “permission” to choose one thing, and do that well. As the summer approaches, I’ve looked at my activities and I see a lot of good things I’m doing. Since Liana has come home, I’ve had to really take a step back and focus on being her mommy – teaching her about what it is like to be in family. As I do that, I’ve had to say “no” to quite a few things. Yet – I know that right now she and my duties at home are my best.
What can you do best? What do you need to say “no” to in order to do that ONE THING better? Take some time and reflect, reading through the story of Mary and Martha – the truths we’ve heard over the years about these two women are still true (no matter how many times we’ve heard it!)
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You are so right. We have a great many things that we can do, but our ministry is often right in front of us. It’s not easy to say “no”, but we must choose the best thing – and often that is our own very dear family members. Thank you for your insight. 🙂