Tuesday Thoughts – Where is Your Gaze?
For the next few weeks, I want to share some Scripture that God has laid on my heart.
Psalm 26
Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the LORD without wavering.
Prove me, O LORD, and try me; test my heart and my mind.
For your steadfast love is before my eyes and I walk in your faithfulness.
It sometimes seems as if evil is always winning. All of the hard things in life. Children suffering. Men and women being murdered daily. The bombings. The heartache. Death. Pain. Sickness. It touches us as we watch the news. Sometimes it touches us as we live in community. Those around me who are hurting just today could fill up a page.
How do we respond? In Psalm 26 we see that after we examine our own hearts to make sure we are walking with the Lord the way we should – we set our gaze on His steadfast love and walk in His faithfulness.
Sometimes I forget. Even after all of this time, that God is faithful. Life happens. My past four weeks have been so hectic in the mornings! I wake up early. Fix my coffee. Read a little out of His Word. Check my Instagram. Do a little blog work. Fix Breakfast. Sit down to wrangle them all around the table to eat. Rush around to head off to swim lessons. Come home. Eat lunch. Then….nap time. It has been a crazy summer.
The crying and fussing that starts in the afternoon seems to wear on my nerves. I snap. I bark out orders. I raise my voice. After they settle in for nap time, I breath and open my Bible again. I find the strength to make it to bed time. But how I lose the big picture sometimes! I lose that those small things matter and God is still faithful.
Faithful to forgive.
Faithful to love.
Faithful to strengthen.
Choose to look to God. Choose to focus your mind and heart on Him. His love is steadfast and never wavering. His faithfulness continues, no matter life’s circumstances. If you find it hard to focus on these things, soak yourself in His Word. Read it daily. Spend time. Yes, it can’t be mediated on in just a few minutes. But try carving out some extra time to spend with Him daily.
Here are a few resources for studying scripture that I have found so extremely helpful!
What Tools Do I Need to Study the Bible
What great scripture reading tips or resources do YOU have??? Share below! I love reading everyone’s ideas!
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I wrote out a post on my Life Verses for Prayer on my blog. I shared this because on the days that you talk about, or the moments really, we need a plan. Mine is to pray the verses I have sought out for each part of my life. Faith to love, forgive and strengthen, love that! This is going to fit well with my theme for next week. Shouting out this post for next week’s Tuesday Talk!
Thank you for these beautiful reminders! Why is it so hard to remember the little things matter to Him too? I’m so glad you shared with us at Waiting on…Wednesday! I hope you’ll link up with us again tomorrow!
Holly @ http://www.iwillservewhileiwait.blogspot.com