Why Is Everyone Whispering?

Today’s guest post is a fellow Compel sister and I can’t wait to share her well-crafted words with you. I know it will encourage your heart. Its amazing how God teaches us lesson, even in the midst of hardship. You can follow Vickie Henderson here and here.

Why is everyone whispering?

The door shut behind me and I sat down at the conference table. We spoke in whispers as if the meeting was a top-secret briefing. I know why I am whispering, but why is everyone else?

You don’t have to whisper

Living in a world of hushed tones, I feel like I’m eternally trapped in a library. Don’t get me wrong, rows and rows of books soothe my soul like nothing else, but quiet conversations are a special kind of torture for me. First, I don’t hear very well and second, I like to talk – a lot. Admittedly that’s not necessarily a good thing but this mandated silence is debilitating.

Four days after my throat was slit with a scalpel, I woke up unable to speak. Nothing, not a sound, except a whisper. When the flexible camera snaked through my nostril and peeked at my vocal cords there was no vibration on the right. It is paralyzed. I can’t make calls, answer the phone or order at Sonic. No one understands what I say in crowds or meetings which is truly unfortunate because I have so much to say. Maybe God shut my mouth for a reason. This sentence of silence is predicted to last 2-3 months; pure torture for a chatterbox like me.

“Teach me, and I will be quiet; show me where I have been wrong.” Job 6:24 (NIV)

Whispering is contagious

Human behavior fascinates me. While my friend and I were deep in conversation, her rambunctious three year old settled down, leaned in and asked, “Mommy, why are we whispering?” Good question Kate.

Just for fun, try whispering for an hour and listen as others lower their volume to match. I wonder what other behaviors we influence – good and bad. What we say and do infects those around us. If whispering is contagious, what else do we need to be careful not to spread?

Gossip encourages gossip

Insults provoke insult

Unforgiveness keeps score

If you treat others kindly there is no guarantee you will be treated kindly, but treating others unkindly almost guarantees repayment. Let’s live and give generously and receive abundantly. Compliment instead of criticizing. Serve instead of demanding service. Model the behavior you want in your children and watch them mimic you. Actions really do speak louder than words, especially when all you can do is whisper.

“A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.” Proverbs 15:1 (NLT)

Be the light, be the quiet

We live in a noisy world. Choose words wisely and speak them softly. Spread joy, peace and love instead of opinion and controversy. Speak truth, but don’t yell or your words get lost in the clamor. As Christians we are called to unity and love, in fact, that’s how Jesus says the world knows we are His followers.

Since I lost my voice people lean in close and intently watch my lips, then they whisper back. I would laugh out loud but I can’t do anything out loud. I’m perpetually living in a library.

“Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear!” James 1:22 (MSG)


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