You Matter (And Other Cliches I Hate)

You matter. 

I hate that cliche. It is everywhere on social media and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Of course I want people to know they matter, but it is so vague. How do we encourage unbelievers they need Jesus if we don’t point out their sin; but then how do we as Christians find our worth with the reality of sin?

The answer is more complicated (or simple). One of the BEST responses to this question is in this book, Who You? Why You Matter and How to Deal With It.” The basic answer is we matter because God created us and we are made for His glory. I love her analogy she gives here:

Think of two things that work  – let’s say the pipes that carry the water and a sink. The pipes can do an amazing job of moving water. But they cannot hold it like the sink. Much like that, humans are made to be traffickers in glory. We bring glory, we give glory, we reflect glory. But we are terrible receivers of it. We cannot hold glory because its as never meant for us. We are given glory to give it to our Maker. That is our task. This is our purpose. – Rachel Jankovic, Who You?

So instead of letting the world tell us where we stand – let’s let God tell us. Let’s let the Word of God reveal who we are and what we can!

Other cliches I’ve always hated:

You can do this! (No, really, I can’t….)

God’s got this! (but what do I DO….)

All you need is love! (sorry, but love won’t pay the bills….)

God loves you the way you are! (no, actually He wants to make you new…(2 Corin. 5:17)

When Rachel J. writes a new book, you better believe I take notice. And this one did NOT disappoint! I found myself shaking my head throughout the entire book. You will too. 

She also says…

“His [God’s] fierce grip on me is the basis of all of my confidence….He knows who I am….No great confidence in my abilities or my ideas and strategies. No great achievement of self-actualization….Nothing but God: He is mine and I His.”

And that is my heart’s cry as well. So may people praise our “achievements” but I want to say this, what Rachel said: “Anything good you see in me is ONLY because of Jesus!”

Her book is a must-read, but this week I’m giving away a copy of it. Enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This post contains affiliate links.

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