How to Encourage Your Friend to Read Her Bible

How to Encourage Your Friend to Read Her Bible 

She sat across from the table at our local coffee shop. Her hands were warming around the to-go cup. We chatted about life, husbands, and then church came up. I asked her where she was going to church. She hesitated, and made a small excuse about being tired on Sundays. I smiled, and just said, “I’ve missed you.” That was all. I asked her if she was reading her Bible. She shook her head. I knew the feelings she was having. 

When we’ve not read our Bibles or gone to church in a while it feels shameful. But friend, let me tell you: it’s not! If it has been awhile, then that just means you get to start again.

So how did I encourage that woman to keep reading her Bible? I reached into my purse and pulled out a journal. Inside were little verses with empty pages. I told her to start here. We would do it together. We would read, talk, and then read some more. No deep Bible study – just reading! 

Over eight years ago I was desperate. I wasn’t nearly as constant in reading and studying my Bible. So I called a couple of friends to see if they wanted to come over on Thursdays to talk about Bible stuff. This began my unexpected journey into leading a seven-year Bible study in my home. The reason I became constant and read my Bible? I had a friend. 

Do you have a friend who longs for peace in her life, struggles with addition, or is simply going through something really tough right now? Can I encourage you to BE that friend to her that encourages her to read her Bible. Not in a pressuring or annoying way. Invite her into it. 

Last week I shared this reading plan on the Promises of God. Maybe you can do it with a friend!? Print two copies of this reading plan and do it together. Keep each other accountable and let you both remind each other of God’s promises. 

Having someone reading the Bible and knowing they will ask me about it is the best motivator when it comes to reading consistently. So print off a reading plan (you can find more here) and encourage your friend to her Bible by reading it together! 

Do you long for more? Imagine if you could….

Take the mystery out of Bible reading.

Get excited to read your Bible each morning.

Stop searching and have a concrete plan for each day.

Stop feeling embarrassed that you don’t read your Bible.

Sign up for a FREE Bible reading plan & fall in love with God’s Word!

Sarah E. Frazer is a writer and Bible study mentor at She is the wife of Jason and mother of five who all serve as full-time missionaries in Honduras. Her passion is to encourage women to fall in love with the Bible. Sarah is the author of several Bible study resources for women. She shares tools for deep-rooted Bible study at Follow her on Instagram ( and join her free prayer challenge at

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One Comment

  1. What a wonderful gift a friend like that is – an encourager as well as an accountablity partner. If you have such a friend, thank the Lord for her every day. If not, pray for one! And…strive to be that kind of friend. I think if we ask, He will give us the opportunity. This was such good encouragement, Sarah. Thanks much! I pray you are having a blessed week!!

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