Three Promises for Your Bible Study Journey

Three Promises for Your Bible Study Journey

I thought I would be further along than this…..

That thought entered my mind recently. I felt so stuck in a spiritual area of my life. I’ve been saved for thirty years and I didn’t see any progress. I felt defeated and stuck. Then I picked up God’s word and read words about sowing and reaping. I realized God was bringing fruit, but maybe I didn’t see it yet. The words, “Don’t grow weary in doing good….” echoed in my mind as I took my coffee cup downstairs to start breakfast. 

It’s a journey, I whispered to myself that day. 

Reading our Bible is a journey. After almost twenty years of devotions and Bible studies I’ve come to a place where I love, really love, God’s word. But it didn’t start that way. So as you move through your Bible reading and Bible study journey, I want you to remember three promises that are true about your journey and then three tips for how to read your Bible when you don’t understand it. 

Three Promises for Your Bible Study Journey

  1. The journey is not a destination. You will not find an end. There won’t be a time either of us will say: “That’s it! I’ve studied it all.” This is a great promise to remember because if it is a journey, we are always moving forward. There is no turning back, there is only moving ahead! 
  2. The journey is a discipline. Even after twenty years of studying and reading the Bible doesn’t come easily. I have set aside the time (the time has never actually appeared). There are days we will not feel like studying or reading. The promise is that every spiritual discipline also comes with a Holy Spirit to help strengthen and enlighten us. Seek God in prayer on those days when studying and reading feel hard. 
  3. The journey is dependent. Not only do we have the Spirit with us, but we also have fellow believers. We do not walk this journey alone. If you don’t have a Bible study partner, may I suggest you contact me? I would love to walk alongside you. Send me an email here.

BONUS: Join a community! I’ve got just the community for you if you want to understand the Bible! Read about it here.

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