Books I Read in February 2024

Books I Read in February 2024
Each month I would love to start sharing what I read with you. I know that sometimes not everyone reads the blog, but this website and blog has been around since 2008! I’ve written about a lot of things and each week I love sharing tips and tools for helping you find peace and contentment – right where you are. Most of my writing is focused on Bible reading, but this year I want to do something different.
Although I love reading the Bible, I read other books too! I read a combination of fiction and nonfiction. I read poetry and even occasionally I’ll read a Stephen King novel! (Shocking, I know!)
As a way to help me keep track of what I read each month I’ll be making this list and linking to those books on Amazon. I am also excited to utilize Goodreads. Find me here and follow me to get an more up to date list of what I’m currently reading and have read.
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An Honest Review
For the blog post I will share what books I finished to keep things simple. I’ll also provide an honest review of those books and if It is less than three stars, I won’t link it! I’ve read plenty of books I wouldn’t recommend so I want to keep track of those books as well. Some of these books I might have started last month and finished this month.
Another side note is that for January, February, and March I am attempting to read the entire Bible – in 90 days! This has taken a lot of my reading time, so in the coming months I should have more books each month.
Books I Read February 2024

The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
From the back of the book:
The dark, fearsome Ringwraiths are searching for a Hobbit. Frodo Baggins knows that they are seeking him and the Ring he bears—the Ring of Power that will enable evil Sauron to destroy all that is good in Middle-earth. Now it is up to Frodo and his faithful servant, Sam, with a small band of companions, to carry the Ring to the one place it can be destroyed: Mount Doom, in the very center of Sauron’s realm.
My review:
I think the last time I read this book was back in high school or college. Over twenty years ago I was a different person and I didn’t even have the depth of life experience needed to really appreciate the truths found in this book. I love all of the analogies to life and God and the Gospel. But more than that, this book felt like a familiar friend getting back together again. There were things and people and events that I had forgotten about. But there were also times of great sorrow and grief that I felt while reading it. I wept with the characters and wept with the beauty of the language of this book. I love this book and now I remember why I have always loved this book.

The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis
From the back of the book:
The Silver Chair is the sixth book in C. S. Lewis’s classic fantasy series….Through dangers untold and caverns deep and dark, a noble band of friends is sent to rescue a prince held captive. But their mission to Underland brings them face-to-face with an evil more beautiful and more deadly than they ever expected.
My review:
I read this book again for a writing class. We are almost finished with the class, but I have already finished reading the book. This is another book I read way back when I was younger but now I feel like I’m older and can appreciate it more. C.S. Lewis, like Tolkien, uses a lot of imagery. This book has been such a fun read and I really love reading it through the lens of writing and crafting a story. But there are truths in there that really comforted my heart as well. Truths about obeying and following God, even if we don’t know what will happen next. Truths about the unchanging character of God and His good plan for our lives. I highly recommend it!