Finding Quiet Time When Your Life is Loud

My children were huddled around the grocery cart as we waited our turn. I gently laid each item on the conveyer belt, all the while keeping a watchful eye.  The brightly colored candy bar wrappers neatly lined the shelf.  I guided their small fingers away from swiping some sweetness.  We moved forward and I smiled a hello to the cashier. “Wow, you are busy!” “Yes, yes I am!” Busy is a good word to describe life with four little ones under…

Breathe In Trust

  We have tried to grow apple trees twice in the past ten years.  They’ve never produced fruit for us.  Not because my husband didn’t try, nor is it because we haven’t had enough rain or good soil. We’ve done all the right things, but we have deer. We live in what would be considered the city. A suburb of the capitol of our state. Home to over 100,000 people.  It seems there are just as many deer.  We’ve come…

Be Still in September

What comes to mind when you read these words….. Breathe In Be Still I think of long summer days. I can smell the clear mountain air or salty ocean breeze. Vacation. Relaxing. I automatically let my shoulders drop. And I breath in deep. I think quiet. Peace. Calm. Soaking in the sun and the Son. I think of focusing, meditating, and memorizing Scripture. My God says for me to rest. Be still. With the coming of September, I’m finding it so hard to…

When There Is Too Much Pain in the World

Cancer. Death. Sickness. No answer. More waiting. Surgeries. Heartache of a magnitude my soul had never felt. The news was divesting. Babies dissected alive. Families torn apart. When there is too much pain in the world, how do you look beyond yourself and DO something about it? You can’t enter into the grief of ALL the people in the world…..but there are people in your life who are hurting and need your comfort. I’m not sure what possessed me to pick up the book Rare…