Longing for Paris Launch Day!

I’m sharing over on Instagram a special Longing for Paris giveaway….. I’m giving away a copy of Sarah Mae’s book, Longing for Paris and some other goodies!   This book is about longings and the deep places of our hearts that ache for something more, something we can’t even always explain. It is about figuring out what do with our dreams and our longings, and how we navigate the tensions between them and our reality. In Longing for Paris, Sarah Mae…

Monday Morning Blues {1}

Grab your coffee for five minutes. Here are some thoughts to help get over your Monday Morning Blues. Proverbs 12:25 – Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad. A good word. How are you using your words today? Are the words you speak carefully spoken? Or, like me, do you seem to hurl those words around like they mean nothing. Our words are powerful. Not our sentences.  Not our lectures. Our words. I love you. You mean so…

Tuesday Thoughts – Have Strength

At night, I think my children have a meeting. When we turn out the lights, the boys leave their room and tiptoe across the hallway.  Slowly, they close the door of the girl’s room. In whispered tones I think they discuss a few things about the next day.  I think they get together at night to choose who will wake up at the crack of dawn the next day. Everyday at 6:30 or 7:00 am sharp ONE of them opens my door and…

5 Steps to Finding (and Keeping) Friendships

Being a mom sometimes means you give up some things.  Taking showers. Putting on real clothes. Make-up.  Some days it just doesn’t happen.  It might be 2:00 before I hop into the steamy quiet.  As mothers, we give up fitting into those jeans from college. We forgo reading a good book.  Our neat and tidy house is long gone.  One thing that should not be abandoned when you become a mother is friendships. We all know we need community. Let’s be honest….