True Grace and Truth

 The Truth Some will say “Santa is a lie!”  Others will say that it is “only pretending…get over it!”  What is the balance for Gospel-centered parents? Although it is hard and I’ve struggled since having children on how to handle all of the Santa-hype surrounding Christmas, I know that whatever I teach them about Santa will NOT be what I teach my children about Jesus. I’ve read a few article here and there.  An article I read recently was amazing.  I thought the article…

When You Have a Bad Day

You know those days. Endless….tiring….just-want-to-give up days. Maybe its the season change. Maybe grief suddenly appears after a time unexpectedly. Maybe the stress of life has suddenly come resting on your shoulders. Maybe it is nothing. (By the way – it is O.K. to have a bad day over nothing.) You sit on the couch.  You watch your children play.  You read a book instead of doing laundry.  Your dishes go unwashed.  Dinner comes from a delivery guy. You’ve had…

Teach Them Truth

Sharing my….. My oldest son is in first grade.  We are in our second year homeschooling. Let me just say to moms of beginning readers: Bless You.  Bless Us All.  We are saints.  Our patience level is beyond compare.  If we want to torture our enemies, just send in a beginner reader and have them read a new passage.  My son.  Oh how I love him to pieces.  He drives me to crazy town during reading time.  This week we…

Why All Moms Need a Breather

Moms, we need a breather. I walked out of the door and sat in my car.  I took a deep breath.  It is time for just me. I listened to silence as I drove to the store.  I casually looked over my list, slowly crossing off my items as I placed them in my cart. Grocery shopping alone is amazing.  I never liked going to the store, but if I get to be alone and go – I am in…