Sense of Failure

Never let your sense of failure corrupt your new action.  – O. Chambers – My Utmost for His Highest – Feb. 18   Mothers, we fail.  It is true.  You cannot hide your failures.   You may be able to hide them from your family. or your friends. from the church. and even the world looking in. You cannot hide them from your husband, little ones, yourself, or God. What Do We Do When We Fail? Although we’ve talked about not…

It Just Happens

We use the phrase “it just happens” often, but do things just happen to us? Is God just reacting to circumstances….or is He orchestrating everything?   God has this.   God is in control.   I trust God.   My faith is resting in Him.   We say these statements through our life, either to others or to ourselves.  Many times we say them when things are going ok and we really do believe them.  We do have faith.  Our…

When the Routine Changes

I have a love/hate relationship with routines. I sometimes have a hard time when the routine changes. My OCD/perfectionist/controlling tendencies LOVE routines.  I like to know what to expect and when to expect it. I even like to know a few steps before and after the “it” that I am expecting.  Life (i.e. kids, marriage, adoption) has really challenged that notion. I realized that flexibility is such a great asset, and a necessity to live a life trusting God. Routines My…

Praise in Motherhood

I read this post at Femina Girls about criticism and praise a few weeks ago that got me thinking about praise in motherhood.  The quote she shared from Matthew Henry has really stuck with me: “Praise puts the man into the furnace and we find out what kind of man he really is. The praise might make him proud and lazy or it might make him diligent and thankful.”   Proverbs 31:31 says “Give her of the fruit of her…