Seven of the Best Women Bible Study Teachers

Seven of the Best Women Bible Study Teachers  Over the past seven years I’ve held an in-home Bible study. In that time we would do around three Bible studies a year.  I’ve led and been a part of Bible studies for over twenty years now. I’ve done all of the “big names” in Bible study, as well as lesser-known Bible teachers. After doing a lot of research, here are seven of the best women Bible study teachers. I feel these…

God’s Love Is Not Fragile: A Free Audio Devotional

God’s Love Is Not Fragile: A Free Audio Devotional  I sat in the movie theater with my daughters and watched the two sisters save their city. The autumn air turned cold with icy winds, but the love for each other and others rose to put out the winter. At the end, one of the characters told a sister, “My love isn’t fragile.” She had run off and left him behind. Instead of feeling left out, alone, or abandoned, he responded…

Looking Up From the Pit : A Free Audio Devotional

Looking Up From the Pit : A Free Audio Devotional  While in the pit of despair, we hate that phrase don’t we? Of course we are looking up! Only, when we do look up from the pit all we see is a nasty hole above us. We know the way out, but we can’t get there. So we just resign to stop looking up to what we can’t grasp.  Have you ever felt so utterly afraid you couldn’t even look…

When Life is Crazy, There is Always Hope

When Life is Crazy, There is Always Hope  When life is crazy…there is always hope.  The world is a little upside down, isn’t it? The virus, social distancing, statistics, quarantine, restricted travel, and closed borders. So many voices crowding for a spot in our heads, and eventually it makes its way to our hearts.  These are the days of slow mornings, empty calendars, and fear. Desperate for news, we run to our phones, devices, computers, and miss it. There is…