Three Places You Can Start Reading the Bible – TODAY

Three Places You Can Start Reading the Bible – TODAY Sometimes starting is the hardest part. When I wanted to run a 5k a few years ago, I started out by walking. It seemed counterintuitive to start running by walking. But I needed to warm up to a 5k. I did that by walking. Then I began walking and running intervals. Just a few minutes here and a few minutes there. After just six weeks I was running for twenty…

The Most Dangerous Place to Live (And Its Not What You Think)

I will never go skydiving.  I can honestly say I will never – on-purpose jump – out of an airplane. No way will you get a backpack parachute around my body and I will not voluntarily feel the wind rush around my hair as I am pushed out the open door thousands of feet in the air.  Its not because I’m afraid of heights. Heights don’t really bother me. It isn’t because I’m afraid of dying so much. (Although that is a…

A Prayer of Hope for Your New Year

Make room in your heart for Him in the coming year.  Sorrow is sure to come, but so is comfort. It is found in friendship, His Word, and a deep relationship with the Father. May you find through the hard there is good. There is always good because God is ready to make all things new. Let this new year begin a new chapter in your life. My prayer for you, sweet friend, is this: Dear Jesus,  O Almighty King,…

Praying in the New Year

**This post contains affiliate links.  Each year I plan out my goals. Last year I focused on my prayer life. I did a challenge in September, and I did great during the challenge, but afterward, back to my old habit of NOT praying. I would buy prayer journals, make lists, but nothing stuck. This year I am going to use the entire year to focus on prayer. This year I’m not going to give up, and last year was different….