Jesus and Coffee

Come see Come see with spirit eyes Come see The door is open Come near Come weary and ashamed Come near His arms are open His arms are open Come live Come live in freedom here Come live The chains are broken Come rest Come take his gift of grace Come rest The word is spoken The word is spoken Come see Come see with spirit eyes Come see The door is open Come home Come lay your burdens down…

A New Way to Make Goals

Do you struggle with setting goals for the new year? Do you make them too high and fail? Do you not dream big enough – finding that you meet the goals, but with little satisfaction? Throughout the year, do you find that your goals go by the wayside as “real life” gets in the way? I want to leave you with these two simple words: NO GUILT.   God’s grace should cover all of your goals! Do not feel guilty if…

Why All Moms Need a Breather

Moms, we need a breather. I walked out of the door and sat in my car.  I took a deep breath.  It is time for just me. I listened to silence as I drove to the store.  I casually looked over my list, slowly crossing off my items as I placed them in my cart. Grocery shopping alone is amazing.  I never liked going to the store, but if I get to be alone and go – I am in…

Eyes Off of the Pool

In John 5 we read a spectacular story. Jesus heals a man that has been sick for a long time.  The interesting part isn’t necessarily the miracle.  Of course it is amazing that Jesus heals this man.  What is even more amazing is a simple question Jesus asks the man first. When Jesus meets him, this man is sitting by a pool.  The pool of Bethesda was a superstitious pool.  The people believed that an angel came down and stirred the pool.  Whomever…