Serving with Little Ones

The alarm goes off early Sunday morning.  Jason has already left for work.  I hop out of bed, take a shower, and go down to turn on the coffee.  My little ones only sleep in on Sundays.  Go figure. I wake them up and  we eat breakfast. After that we get dressed.  As I look at the clock I realize we are an HOUR early! Good! So I set them in front of some cartoons and go upstairs to read…

The Best Yes is Sometimes a No First

I woke up in a hurry.  Nervous energy coursed through my body.  I spent my morning rushing to getting the house looking perfect. I was so happy that I didn’t even mind vacuuming for the third time that day. The kid’s lunches had been fixed earlier.  Time ticked by slowly, but then faster and faster as the time drew near.  I was busy preparing when the phone rang.     It was him.     He must be on is…

My Best Yes

What is your best yes?  As I stood in front of my son, after he had disobeyed me, my first reaction was a quick and instant punishment.  He had argued and fussed.  Every ounce of me was furious.  I was tired. And I was busy.  There was no room for grace that day.    My heart dropped when I dropped into the chair upstairs where I sat at my desk.  Is that going to teach him anything? I asked myself. The anger…

Motherhood is a Journey

No one really prepared me for motherhood, or the fact that it is a journey. So much has changed since I first wrote the following words (six years actually) and I’m still on a journey.  I remember being at the stage where my children were very naughty in public. Motherhood is humbling. And I think that lesson I’m still learning. There are lessons in motherhood and those lessons are different for all of us. But there is one thing motherhood…