The Most Important Thing You Can Give Your Friends

I’ve never been one to have a lot of friends. The ones I do have, I am very close to. Something happened in college where I lost both of my childhood friends at once. It was a deep and lasting blow to my heart. It happened right before one of them was married. I had a bridesmaid dress. It sat in my closet as the wedding day came and went. I attended the other friend’s wedding a few months later, not as…

A Letter to My Friends

Dear Sweet Friend, First of all, thank you. Thank you for loving me through it all. After our past year, I am reminded once again why God designed the Christian life to be one of community. It also takes a village to love well. It takes a village to live this life of grace. Many of you fall into one (or all) of these categories. I want you to know, I am so grateful for you. To the friend who lives far…

31 Days {Worth}

{Worth}   My invisible box of things of worth….. The love between my husband and I. We celebrated ten years of marriage. Twelve years of being together. The love I have for him has grown and deepen in ways I didn’t know possible. The love we share is worth a lot in in my invisible treasure box. It’s amazing how your heart expands when you have children. You think you will have to divided your love between them all. Intead, the…

When There Is Too Much Pain in the World

Cancer. Death. Sickness. No answer. More waiting. Surgeries. Heartache of a magnitude my soul had never felt. The news was divesting. Babies dissected alive. Families torn apart. When there is too much pain in the world, how do you look beyond yourself and DO something about it? You can’t enter into the grief of ALL the people in the world…..but there are people in your life who are hurting and need your comfort. I’m not sure what possessed me to pick up the book Rare…