The True Lamb

The True Lamb My second son Titus has a sweet little stuffed lamb he sleeps with every night.  For our Teen Christmas play, we needed it for the manger scene.  A week or so before the play, I snatched it up to take with us.  He watched me leave the room with his precious lamb and melted into a puddle of tears.  I could not take “Lamby” early.  He didn’t mind that Lamby was going to be in the play,…

True Grace and Truth

 The Truth Some will say “Santa is a lie!”  Others will say that it is “only pretending…get over it!”  What is the balance for Gospel-centered parents? Although it is hard and I’ve struggled since having children on how to handle all of the Santa-hype surrounding Christmas, I know that whatever I teach them about Santa will NOT be what I teach my children about Jesus. I’ve read a few article here and there.  An article I read recently was amazing.  I thought the article…