The Top Five Christmas Albums

The Top Five Christmas Albums As we drove to the store the other day my daughter was sitting next to me in the passenger seat. She loves it when we are together in the car – just the two of us. First, because she gets to sit up front. Second, because she gets to control the music. The girl loves to sing. She sings in the shower, while she is playing in her room, outside on the swing, and especially…

Three Things I’m NOT Doing This Christmas

Three Things I’m NOT Doing This Christmas As my inbox fills us each week, especially the weeks leading up to Christmas I always get a little discouraged. I’ve seen at least a dozen lists of things I could do this Christmas. They are lists like, “A Bucket List for You and Your Children” or “The Must-Do’s for This Christmas.”  There are lists of movies to watch, snacks to make, crafts to build, and a myriad of other things to add…

The Women of Christmas

The Women of Christmas Many of us know the Christmas story. We can see in our heads the pictures we’ve seen, the plays we’ve sat through, and the movies that have depicted the story. Mary, Joseph, and the baby in the manger. We can see the shepherds, the wise men, and King Herod. All of these characters play a role in the narrative of God coming down to live with us.  I fear that sometimes we gloss over the story…

The Hard and the Holy

The Hard and the Holy Today’s Guest Post is written by Jen Weaver. Last year I recorded a series on what’s “Hard and Holy” in the holidays. Turns out, that message was what I needed most. Sometime in 2020, I’d scribbled an outline for a podcast to help busy Christian women have uncommon conversations with God in everyday moments. I’d wanted to start immediately, as us proactive achiever types often do, but God said wait. He didn’t say why. And…