Nothing is Wasted

– Honest Moments – Nothing is Wasted –  *Make sure to check out Keri’s Honest Moments as well* Undoubtedly we waste a lot, but God does not waste anything. We waste time. I waste time checking my email. I waste time sitting at traffic lights. Or I waste time on social media. And I waste time watching TV. We waste moments. I waste teachable moments with my children. In similar fashion I waste time not talking to my husband.  …

Everyday Eternity

Psalm 102:18 – “This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the LORD.”   My children hear me say a lot.  Don’t touch that.Take off your shoes.Take your plate to the sink.Wait!Don’t run.Hold my hand.Say please.A lot of my instructions and directions deal with the everyday.  What if the everyday dealt with eternity? What if I added to those things I said, giving my children a more eternal perspective? An…

The Best Yes is Sometimes a No First

I woke up in a hurry.  Nervous energy coursed through my body.  I spent my morning rushing to getting the house looking perfect. I was so happy that I didn’t even mind vacuuming for the third time that day. The kid’s lunches had been fixed earlier.  Time ticked by slowly, but then faster and faster as the time drew near.  I was busy preparing when the phone rang.     It was him.     He must be on is…

How to Rest and Not Rush

How to Rest and Not Rush Rush, rush, rush… We could be rushing around for the doctor’s appointment, only to wait in the waiting room.Rushing around getting the kids ready, only to wait on your husband.We’re rushing around, speeding, only to get stopped at a light. One summer in college my uncle got me a job working for the state. I worked for the State Treasurer’s office, in the Unclaimed Property department. Not exactly exciting things happening there, but it…