Coming Home Devotional
Lord, you have been our dwelling place
in all generations. – Psalm 90:1

When Moses penned these words in Psalm 90 and 91, the children of Israel had re-fused to go to their promised home. The battle and work seemed too big, and their trust in God was too small. So God said, “No home for you here in this land.” They either were beginning their wilderness journey or finishing it.
Either way, they had no home as a nation. Psalm 90 is the oldest psalm ever recorded. This song of prayer and petition to God holds truth we can abide within. I imagine this man of God, Moses, felt defeated and utterly alone as he stood before the people.
All his life, he never fit in. He was a Hebrew in Pharaoh’s house during his child-hood and adolescence. During his adulthood, he spent 40 years in the desert without his family or culture. When it came time to see God’s fulfillment of so many promises, he and the people rebelled. As punishment, he would not be allowed to see the Promised Land.
Moses realized no matter where his physical body was, his soul and spirit had found a home. God was His dwelling place.
What does it mean to “Dwell” with God?
- Do you struggle with finding a place you belong?
- Do you long to “fit in”?
- Have you wondered what it really means to “dwell” with God?
I did a word study in the Old Testament and found what is God’s dwelling place. You can discover what we gain when we make our homes in God, our loving Father.
Purchase and download my devotional here.
Coming Home Devotional with BONUSES!
—> Coming Home Devotional ($8 value)
—> Bible Study Pack (with 29 pages of printable material, a $8 value)
—> Access to Audio Course ($15 value)
—> Write the Word Journal Sheets ($5 value)
—> Dwell Pocket Truths ($3 value)
—> 10 Verses to Cultivate a Prayer Life ($3 value)