Search Results for: reading plan

When the Spirit Prays for Us

When the Spirit Prays for Us  When I first read Romans 8:26, I was consumed with gratitude. Can you imagine the gift, honor, and grace involved in the Spirit’s intercession for us? Intercession means to “act on the behalf of someone else.” The Spirit does this for us every single time we pray. What comfort…

Does God Really Rescue?

Does God Really Rescue? Oh dear, friend. Maybe you are asking, “Does God Really Rescue?” You are not forgotten. I can’t say that enough. You are NOT forgotten. God sees you. Just as God saw Noah, God sees you! We know God was in Noah’s life. God did not forget Noah while the storm raged…

Does God Really Remember?

The Bible talks about how God remembered Noah, but does God really remember us? “But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind blow over the earth, and the waters subsided.” Genesis 8:1 There is a lady at our home…