Search Results for: reading plan

Honest Prayer

Today I’m happy to introduce Jennifer! She is going to share some beautiful wisdom on prayer. Jennifer Holmes is a Christian, a wife, a mom to three beautiful children, a music teacher, and a writer.  She has struggled with depression and is passionate about sharing how the Bible helps her deal with the struggles of life. …

A Psalm a Day

I’m so honored to be sharing over on Micah Maddox’s site today! Click here to read the entire post.  Connect with me! Facebook / / Twitter / / Instagram / / Pinterest Hey mom… Do you struggle with finding time to read the Bible during the summer? Is your summer Bible study routine mismatched and disjointed? Do you lack focus and direction in Bible…

Why Is Everyone Whispering?

Today’s guest post is a fellow Compel sister and I can’t wait to share her well-crafted words with you. I know it will encourage your heart. Its amazing how God teaches us lesson, even in the midst of hardship. You can follow Vickie Henderson here and here. Why is everyone whispering? The door shut behind…