Search Results for: joy

Everyday Eternity

Psalm 102:18 – “This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the LORD.”   My children hear me say a lot.  Don’t touch that.Take off your shoes.Take your plate to the sink.Wait!Don’t run.Hold my hand.Say please.A lot of my instructions and directions deal with the…

My Favorite Things

Recommendations Here are a few of my favorite things!….keep checking back as I will add to the list!* Books! Non-Fiction The Promise is His Presence by Glenna Marshall – I read this book in one day. Yes, one day. I felt like I was reading Glenna’s personal journal and learning from her as she walked the…

It Just Happens

We use the phrase “it just happens” often, but do things just happen to us? Is God just reacting to circumstances….or is He orchestrating everything?   God has this.   God is in control.   I trust God.   My faith is resting in Him.   We say these statements through our life, either to…

Motherhood is a Journey

No one really prepared me for motherhood, or the fact that it is a journey. So much has changed since I first wrote the following words (six years actually) and I’m still on a journey.  I remember being at the stage where my children were very naughty in public. Motherhood is humbling. And I think…