Search Results for: reading plan

7 Habits of Resting

I recently asked my friends on Facebook,”What are some habits you have that allows you to REST?” Lots of things were mentioned. Soaking in a tub. Reading a good book. Laying out in the sun.  Being in God’s creation. Just staying home. Coloring and crochet. Sleep. No electronics. What about you? What do you love to…

Breathe In Trust

  We have tried to grow apple trees twice in the past ten years.  They’ve never produced fruit for us.  Not because my husband didn’t try, nor is it because we haven’t had enough rain or good soil. We’ve done all the right things, but we have deer. We live in what would be considered…

God Speaks at She Speaks

When I was little, my mom always said, “Sarah, you are such a homebody.” Not to be confused with the “homie” term of today. She wasn’t telling me she thought I was her BFF. No, she was commenting on my lack of desire to leave the house. Don’t get me wrong. I loved hanging out…