When We Have a Father
When We Have a Father
When we have a father, we have a glimpse into the heart of God. So many children grow up without a father. He might leave or have never been there. I had my dad all growing up, and have him still. He has been to me an example of what we have in God the Father. For example, he worked hard, but we always went on vacations. He brushed my hair when I was young. And even dressed me on Sundays for church when my mom worked. He fed me dinner, helped teach me math, and let us stay up to watch movies. He read his Bible, taught my junior class at church, and still teaches Sunday school today.
Although he lives and breaths sports, I was never really interested in them. That didn’t matter. He never cared if I played well or not. Additionally, he encouraged me to do whatever I loved to do. He helped to teach and encourage me. He gave me money, his time, and love. Once while I was in college, my car wouldn’t start. So I called my dad and he dropped everything to come give me a jump. I always felt accepted by my father. I never doubted his love for me – EVER. As I’ve grown older I see more and more of how deep his love was for his children. So thankful to have a an example of devotion, love, and acceptance.

There in every memory
See his love and care
Strength and hands to count on
Freely he does share
To make our dreams come true
Give strong and tender discipline
Though it is hard to do
To lead the family
And point it to His will for life
Of love and harmony…
Sue Skeen My father handed down the faith of my grandmother to me, my brother, and sisters.
I am who I am because my father has faith in God.
I know the love of a Heavenly Father because of my earthly father.The greatest thing I have from my dad is a love for God’s Word, a desire to serve Him, and the burden of giving it all to Jesus.
Thanks Dad.

Sarah E. Frazer is a writer and Bible study mentor at sarahefrazer.com. She is the wife of Jason and mother of five who all serve as full-time missionaries in Honduras. Her passion is to encourage women to fall in love with the Bible. Sarah is the author of several Bible study resources for women. She shares tools for deep-rooted Bible study at sarahefrazer.com. Follow her on Instagram (http://www.instagram.com/sarah_e_frazer) and join her free prayer challenge at sarahefrazer.com/prayer