Printable Prayer Cards Issue 4

prayer cards

He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:19

You can come to the Father with your requests. Do not be dismayed if His voice is no longer audible. You might not be able to hear Him with your heart, but He is still listening. In fact, He is hearing you. He sees the hurt, or sadness, or even the sin in your heart. And He is ready to save. Every. Single. Time.

Everyday we can cry to Him because hope is ours. Even in the fact that He meets us in the pit and rescues us. Cry out to Him in prayer today. Whether in praise or penitence, place your hope in Him. He hears you!


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{Free}Bible Journaling Printables

Make sure to check out my brand NEW e-book!

Join me as we discover all we have in Christ!
We will look at Romans 5:1-5 in-depth.
The PDF version allows you to either print off your own copy, or fillable space to type your answers right into the text!
If you need a place to start with your Bible study, check it out!

Get your FREE copy here!

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Time for our Tuesday link-up!

2016_07 Tuesday Talk 13 Hosts Image Names

Meet our new hosts, follow along with each host on at least one social media.

Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Becky at BYBMG | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
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  1. Sarah it is true we may not be able to hear Him but He is ALWAYS there no matter what we are going through. I’ve only felt that way once in my life when I could only cry out Jesus.

    Thank you for sharing and thanks for the link-up.

    1. Thank you Debbie for reading, and thank you for those encouraging words. You are alway so kind to come and visit my space! Blessings!

  2. These are beautiful, as always, friend! I remember so badly wanting to feel God’s presence on my dark days of parenting. I couldn’t seem to rise above the despairing feelings. But now I know that even though I couldn’t feel Him, He heard every single prayer. I see evidence of it now in my kids and in my life. It’s not about feelings. It’s about faith.

    Praying for you and your new venture!

  3. These are beautiful and such a great way to mark down prayers as well as a great way to look back at prayers to see God’s faithfulness

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