The Grow Bible Study Method
The Grow Bible Study Method
The seeds that we had planted and watered are now dead. It was a sad sight coming home from China to find our sunroom filled with death. The dried leaves, crinkling off with a slight touch reminded me of my own heart when I fail to water and allow the Light to shine.
We can do the Bible Reading. We can be faithful with the details and the checklists, but do we really water our hearts? Is the soil of our lives rocky, stony, or full of weeds?
I thought of the parable Jesus taught in Matthew 13. The Word of God goes forth. The seeds are His truth are not scarce. They are available, ready and waiting. We, in our western world, forget the privilege to order Bible studies from our phones and computers. We don’t realize the ability to print off the resources from Pinterest are a luxury. Many people in other countries do not have access to Bible study material like we do here.
The lack of resources are not the reason we lack revival.
The lack of growth in our churches, in our families, in our hearts is from our priorities. The reason my plants died in the sunroom this year was because they were not a priority. I planned for our house when we left for 16 days to be taken care of. I remembered to tell the house sitter about the dog, the cat, and the chickens. I had detailed lists and schedules made for the children who would be with my mother-in-law and mom. I didn’t make the plants a priority. It just didn’t happen. So they died. I was disappointed but they were not important to me.
I can’t have the same attitude about my spiritual life. I can’t have Bible reading fall down in my priorities. So once again, I want to offer you another method this week for GROWING your Bible reading and studying!
G – Go in prayer. Begin each time with prayer. Download my 5 Prayers to Pray Over Bible Study here.
R – Read it. Pick a passage, and read it slow and read it maybe in a couple of different translations.
O – Observe some details. What is happen here? Answer the questions: who, what, when, how?
W – What did you learn about God? the Bible is a book about God. Write out some truths you find.
**NOW AVAILABLE** I have this method, plus 3 additional Bible study methods all found in one workbook. The digital version is READY! Check it out here!
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- I am so overwhelmed and stressed by the people around me.
- How do I feel the peace God promises in the middle of extreme heartache?
- Thoughts about the future cause extreme fear.
- Feelings of anxiety are underlying my heart, and no one sees it.
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Thanks for this encouragement to take our nourishment from the Word — to stay close to its truth!
Such an important encouragement for me today. God has been drawing me in to His word more and more lately!
I had the same experience last month when I came home after a vacation. My plants died because I didn’t get to water them for 2 whole week. It broke my heart, and now your blessed post reminds me how much it breaks our Savior’s heart when we don’t water our self in prayer and God’s Word
Timely message. I am so glad to be linking up with you today as well.
It’s so true that we have so many resources readily available, and yet, we take them for granted. Thanks for your wise words about the importance of studying our Bibles. And thanks for hosting. Have a great week!