The Beauty of a Bruised Banana
No one in our family likes the brown bananas, but after Micah’ story from her new book, Anchored In, I might have to rethink the way I look at my beat-up fruit on the counter.
The bananas sat on the kitchen counter, brown and bruised from little hands that tied to help carry in the groceries. A normal family might toss them in the trash can but I have a member of my family who loves brown banana. It’s not that he likes mushy one or one that is overripe, but he has learned that just because a banana is brown and bruised doesn’t not mean it takes bad. He like the ones that are not as green because he knows the brown ones contain sweeter fruit. The bruised bananas have not been handled as carefully as the flawless ones – they have bent through a little more trauma. – Micah Maddox, Anchored In
I don’t know about you, but some things in my life (mistakes and missteps and messiness) I might wish away. I don’t like the way my past makes me feel, or the present hardships. I get scared when I think about the uncertain future. Yet, as Micah says, “The bad things in life are many and will always take a front seat if we allow them to.”
If we allow them to. How can we shift our thinking and not allow these bad things to take front and center in our minds?
The shift happens when we change how we look at things. Micah describes in her chapter, called, “Power in Perspective,” will give us access to God’s power. The blues, the depression, the anxiety, fear, or feelings of failure all full under what my perspective is at the time. In her book, Anchored In, Micah reminds us that perspective is the key to finding God’s power in my life. The power is THERE. God’s amazing power to heal, guide, and protect will always be available. But I don’t tap into that power. What am I looking at?
Am I looking at:
How much I fail as a mom?
The mistakes I make with my husband?
The times I raise my voice?
How alone I feel?
Why some people just don’t like me or include me?
Why does this person fight cancer?
Or, am I shifting my perspective and seeing the truth:
God chose me to be their mom.
Love can cover a multitude of sin.
Forgiveness is just a prayer away.
God will never leave me.
God chooses me again and again.
God will always get the glory.
If we view our lives as having amazing purpose, which is the TRUTH from God’s Word, our perspective is bound to change. Micah ends this chapter with this thought:
When we change our perspective of the bruises of life, knowing there is an eternal purpose, we learn the power of God’s presence in our greatest pain. – Micah Maddox, Anchored In
What is your greatest pain? Something in your past? Something right now? How can you shift your perspective today?
I would encourage you to get Micah’s book, Anchored In: Experience a Power-Full Life in a Problem-Filled World to encourage, equip, and allow your heart to see God’s power – right now! She expands on all of these steps on her book, and I special love the last section: replace it. In it, she gives actual scripture we can use to replace the feelings and lies from the enemy.
The book contains amazing discussion questions you can answer, powerful prayers, and deep personal stories right from Micah’s life. It will be a life-changing book, I promise. Our world will always be filled with problems, but we can be filled with power – God’s Power. What a promise!
As a special treat, Micah is allowing me to giveaway TWO signed copies of her book to TWO lucky winners! Enter below to win – and of course I always throw in a couple of bonuses. This time, they are SURPRISE bonuses, but I can tell you they are worth over $50! Make sure to share this book with your friends, your mom, sisters, or anyone else in your life who needs God’s power. The giveaway ends tonight!
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Switching mindset from my own to God’s grace feels hard but then I remember I don’t have to do it alone. He is more than happy to help me!
Focus is so important yes. I think I need this book, Sarah! *pick me* lol….
I am sold. Looks like a fantastic book and you did a great job reviewing it.
Another great book I need to add to my booklist! Thanks for sharing some of the book with us!
Thanks for hosting!