How to Savor Change
How to Savor Change
My son was crying again. We had discussed the move, and he just couldn’t handle it. He left the table and went to the living room. He just sat on the couch with the silent tears rolling down his cheeks. My sweet, sensitive boy who likes to play sports and wrestle on the floor was hurting. It was evident when we would talk about moving. He would clam up, get mad, and run to hide.
Although we made the very good and wise thing sending our boys to Christian school this year, I miss not guiding them all day long. I never thought I would miss conversations with my seven and nine-year-old. When they grow up, reflecting back on their childhood, and how it shaped them. Will they hate this move? Will they resent us as parents, taking them away from family and friends to learn a new language and experience a different culture?
My sweet little seven-year-old who cries says there are three reasons why he doesn’t want to move:
1. No trampoline.
2. No friends.
3. No snow.
So there you have it. He is counting the cost (maybe more than I have), but he is teaching me – no matter what, God will supply. I look at his list and realize how God will replace those things. I know this, but when I make my own list of what I will miss, my heart feels like the things on there are irreplaceable.
Knowing the hard is coming. Knowing my kids will miss so many good things. Missing things. Its not the things I will miss. Its not the things they will miss. I mean my seven year old is crying over a trampoline. But he doesn’t know to cry over his grandma and grandpa. To not see them every Sunday. It is sad. And so very hard.
The things we are giving up are not the easy or convenient. They are the life and air and strength we hold. I rely so much on my family. For not just support. But for love and strength. For a shoulder to lean on. For hugs. For without hardship, I will never know a deeper relationships with God. But I don’t want that.
Savor Change.
God gave me those words to hang on to the other day at a coffee shop. He has called me into a season of savoring. It seems counterintuitive because the next year our family is undergoing a huge change. The thought occurred to me one day: how can I savor change?
I can feel myself enjoying moments better, but change is on the horizon, and if I let my heart dwell on the hard part of changes, I’m a puddle in the floor. Like David, my tears soak the pillow at night.
Change means movement. Savoring is a stillness.
I’m convinced God is calling me to be still during this time of change. To savor each moment, enjoy the smallest of details, because change is coming. I’m still reflecting and living out this idea of savoring change, but I can tell you, it means living fully in the present.
My heart does not handle change very well. I like to clam up too, like my little T. I am prone to hide away inside myself. God is asking me to step up and be present for this life right now. Merging stillness and change is hard.
Psalm 46 is a great reminder of how God stands with us in the battles and the stillness.
Come, behold the works of the Lord,
Who has made desolations in the earth.
He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two;
He burns the chariot in the fire.
Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth! Psalm 46:8-11
Look at all the Lord does.
He ends the battles.
He fights for us.
He moves forward in peace.
Be still before the Lord.
He is close.
His presence is our calming place.
He moves our hearts to feel peace.
“God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
A present and a “right now” help is what I need. Do you? Move forward friend. Whether God has called you to sit and rest, or get up and change: we can still savor the moments.
This was part two of a four-part series on harvest. I hope you will join me next Thursday for part three! Read part one here. On the last Thursday of this month I’ll be sharing some new prayer cards. Stay tuned!
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The Flourish Conference is a gathering place for women who desire to passionately pursue God and His Word.
The Flourish Conference features remarkable women from all over the country who have encountered many of life’s challenges. These tenacious ladies have pressed into God’s Word and His promises rather than give into defeat. (Here is a sneak peek of my video.)
Over the course of 5 days, 15 speakers offer hope as they share candidly about their brokenness that became new life through the power of a faithful God. Sharing their personal stories with the desire you too may become fruitful in faith, family, and life.
I love the word God gave you – savoring. Oh, how I want to live that way savoring each moment.
Stay strong Momma – God’s God this. It must be hard to see your child hurting over a move you are choosing. Keep walking in obedience.