Three Steps to Un-Believe the Greatest Lie
Three Steps to Un-Believe the Greatest Lie
The very first lie, in the garden of Eden, told to the very first woman, Eve, is a lie we still believe. I have it underlined in my Bible:
“Did God actually say…?”
The serpent, the evil one is still whispering lies, causing us to doubt the Word of God. Do you think maybe God’s words are important, if the devil tries so hard to get us to un-believe them?
Does God say…..?
I hear it whispered to my heart, not by my own voice, but by a voice I can’t hear just the same.
Does God really mean….?
Doubting God’s character, His actions, His intentions, are all rooted in His Word. How do we know about His character? His actions? His intentions? Through the power of God’s word.
His Word.
Then the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The Word, Jesus Christ, was with God in the beginning we can’t know the ins and outs. As I drove my boys to school this morning, my oldest, who is nine years old, confessed a truth we all have: I don’t understand this…. It was the Trinity he was trying to wrap his mind around.
So I confess. I tell my heart, I don’t understand this. For me, I don’t understand why babies die. I don’t understand the orphans all around the world. I don’t understand the lack of clean water. I don’t understand the Foster Care situation. I just don’t. Yet God is asking me to trust Him.
So the lack of understanding, instead of leading us to faith, leads us instead to doubt.
Did God actually say…?
I told my son a truth my heart needed: God is bigger than us. We can study, learn, and devote our entire lives to understanding God, His Word, and the Truth, only to fall short at the end of our lives. No one can understand all about God. We cannot know the ins and outs of the Trinity or how election and free will coexist in the salvation of man. We cannot know the mind of God. Not fully.
What we can know, we accept by faith. What we cannot know, we believe because of God’s Word. I love the story of Creation. It is the beautiful and redemption beginning to the start of God stepping in. Our God is one who does not sit idly by, watching what He formed with His hands, stumble around in the dark.
Light was created first. We can know about God in just that simple fact. God wants to shine a light into our lives. So we read our own story in Adam and Eve’s story. Every single human being is created in the image of a God who speaks.
Word was at the beginning. The Savior came to be the Word of God in flesh. We believe words to be saved. And the biggest lie ever is a lie we still believe. We question God’s very Words.
When lies creep in, that is the first lie which opens the doors to other lies. So what is the enemy whisper to you about God’s Words?
Did God really say He would never leave?
Did God actually say He would forgive everything?
Does God mean He will always love you?
I still hear the lie at night….
Does God really mean to shine a light into your darkness?
That’s the lie I tend to believe. But the root of the lie is questioning God’s Word. No amount of scripture reading, memorization, Bible study, or church attendance will answer that lie. No amount of prayer will get rid of those whispered lies in our heads.
Our choice is the answer. Will you believe the lie? Of course none of us want to believe a lie. So let’s take three steps to un-believe this lie.
Step One: Recognize it as a lie. Eve failed to see beyond the serpent’s words. She forgot the Word and when it was questioned, never thought maybe it was a lie. Realize when we have doubts, it is a LIE. The doubts in our hearts are only lies covered in questions.
Step Two: Choose to say no. Say no to the lie with your head. Eve, in her heart, had a desire to be like God. It was a seed planted there long before the snake asked her to question God. He voiced something in her heart. A dissatisfaction within her feelings. Feelings are liars. Let’s not make choices with how we feel. Let’s make choices with our heads. Choose to say no with your mind, no matter the circumstances or feelings of the heart.
Step Three: Know the truth more than the lies. How did Jesus combat the same lies in the desert when the same enemy tempted Him? He respond in truth. He knew the truth better than the lies. The more truth we know, the better we can recognize the lies. So let’s build our truth up by reading, praying, and studying – going deep – with God’s Word.