How to Host Your Own Bible Study

How to Host Your Own Bible Study

Many years have passed since I first opened my home to a group of women to study the Bible. For the next few posts I’d like to share a series on hosting and leading a Bible study in your home. When we host and lead a Bible study we wear two hats. For this first post, I’d like to share how to host a Bible study. Whether you are doing the teaching or not, hosting a Bible study can be daunting.

Let me take a little pressure off. Here are some myths you might have believed about hosting a Bible study.

Myth #1 – You have to be a Bible expert.

Myth #2 – Your house has to be spotless.

Myth #3 – You have to have the perfect living room layout.

Myth #4 – You have to create a feast worthy of a Good Housekeeping article each week.

None of those things are true. When I started hosting a Bible study in my home, I was not a Bible expert. In fact, the more I learn about the Bible more the more I realize I DON’T know. Most weeks I clean one room in my house (maybe two if you count the kitchen). Whatever room we will be meeting in, that’s the room I clean! Over the years, my living room and dining have served to host my small group of ladies. Sometimes we sit at the table, sometimes we sit in the too-comfy couch. And as far as snacks go, they are great to have – but I’ve used a boxed brownie mix too many times to count. Instead, let me encourage you with some tips on how to prepare your home to host your own Bible study.

Tip #1 – Designate one room to hosting. Maybe light a candle and fluff some pillows, but don’t stress about perfecting your entire house. I promise the women won’t notice if you have toys in the floor in the corner. They might even feel more welcome if they see signs of a family living in your living room!

Tip #2 – Prepare with prayer. I have neglected this the past few months, but I like to cover each week’s gathering in prayer. Nothing fancy or elaborate, I just go before God and ask for a special blessing and His presence before the women arrive.

Tip #3 – Be welcoming. It goes without saying we should be hospitable. What does that mean? We lay aside our own agendas. We let people come, be themselves, and welcome them with our hearts wide open.

Tip #4 – Don’t over think it and keep it simple. No fancy decorations are necessary, unless you love that sort of thing. Don’t put pressure on you. Women are coming for God’s Word, not to look at your house or have your snacks.

The house is not the important part of the in-home Bible study. I used to think it was when I first started hosting. I would stress and snap at my family trying to vacuum, clean, and straighten up a house with living, moving people in it. Over the months and years I’ve learned that God sin’t asked for my house to be perfect, he is asking fora humble heart.

The most important thing to remember is this: Women come seeking the Bible and fellowship, not to come see how well you clean your house. Hosting a Bible study has been the most joyful things I’ve done in the past six years. Next week I hope to share some tips on starting and leading an in-home Bible study.

In the meantime, you can check out my post on why I think in-person Bible studies are the best way to connect and study God’s Word. For this month’s Friday Freebie, I want you provide for you an exclusive workbook on How to Start a Bible Study In Your Home. You will find lots of free information, including other hosting tips not included here. DOWNLOAD IT HERE!

Happy Friday!

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