How You Can’t Miss Out On Your Life

How You Can’t Miss Out On Your Life
FOMO. Do you have it? The fear of missing out can be a very subtle pull in our hearts. The working moms fear they are missing out on the small moments at home. The stay-at-home moms are afraid of being less-than by a world consumed with productivity. One of the lies loneliness will tell us is we are missing out on our life. Loneliness sometimes causes us to feel less-than, left-out, and alone. All of those feelings can be feed into one another if we let the fear of missing out linger.
My oldest son sat on the sidelines watching his friends play soccer. Although he was only seven at the time, the boys on his team were serious competitors. I watched with a sadness in my heart for forty-five minutes. After the game was over, I watched him run over with snacks in hand. His smile was easy, even though he had only played for a few minutes the entire game.
How did it go? Did you have fun? I asked.
He responded with a nod and a bigger smile. I had so much fun! He exclaimed and then went on to tell me all about the conversations on the sidelines with the various other players. My son has always been social, so it shouldn’t surprise me he was more concerned with the players than the game.
It was then I realized he didn’t feel like he was missing out on the soccer game because he was sitting on the sidelines. Instead of seeing it as a place to be alone (and not part of the action), he saw it as an opportunity to talk to the other players who cycled through on the sidelines. Loneliness could have shown up if my son had let the fear of missing out effect his attitude. But he didn’t.
What a humbling reminder, for me as a mom. Whether I’m working, staying at home, or working from home, I don’t have to have the fear of missing out. Loneliness will lie and say that I am – but I’m not. The real truth is hope comes when I open my eyes to the things in front of me.
Loneliness whispers to me when I wake in the morning to face my day as a mother: you are missing out. But am? And how I can “miss out” when my Savior walks with me? God has called me to this life. And it is a lie from the enemy when I feel the pull to “do more” or “be more.” I’m not “missing out.” Say it to yourself dear friend. You will not miss out because you work outside the home. You will not miss out if you stay at home. You will not miss out by saying no. In God’s kingdom there is no “missing out” – He has lead us to this very moment. If you are walking close to God, you won’t miss out.
If Jesus is your priority, you won’t miss out. Spend the time in prayer and read His word. I promise life is hard, but don’t compare. You aren’t missing out if you are following the Savior!
Stay firm, my friend. If you are struggling with loneliness, download a free copy of my Bible reading plan on loneliness: