How to Know God Through the Psalms 

How to Know God Through the Psalms 

Do you know him? 

Who, I asked? 

President Bush, she replied. 

I giggled. We were on a mission’s trip to another country. A native asked me if I knew our president. She figured since I was an American I knew him. To her disappointment, I didn’t know the president the way she was implying. 

Our pastor was talking a few weeks ago about knowing God. Not just the head knowledge, but the heart knowledge of God. As he walked us through knowing God he took us to the book of Psalms. One of my favorite books of the Bible is this collection of songs. I love the idea of learning about God through the Book of Psalms. 

As I looked through, I wrote down some of these phrases and verses. 

God is…..

Light, Psalm 18:28, 27:1

Shepherd, Psalm 23:1

Holy, Psalm 29:1-2

Rock, Psalm 31:3

Redeemer, Psalm 34:22

Hope, Psalm 42:5

Refuge, Psalm 46:1

Salvation, Psalm 57:2-3

Knowing about God can be easy sometimes. Many people know facts about God. Look at that list. It took me thirty minutes to glance through a few psalms to make that list. That list is just facts, though. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve confused knowing about God with knowing God myself. The difference? 

The difference for me has been how I see those characteristics of God in my everyday life. Yes, God is loving, kind, and holy. But when my children disobey, do I think of how God is kind to me and how I need to respond in kindness? When people wrong me, does my mind go straight to the grace God gives to me? I’ll admit we need more than a knowledge about God – we need to know Him. 

Over the years I’ve seen the difference comes through two practical things: prayer and Bible reading. The more time I spend with God (in prayer and Bible reading) the more I’m able to remember Him throughout my day. No, it is not a magical formula, but it really does help to get to know God better. 

I created this free workbook (found here) to discover God through the book of Psalms. As you read each verse, look for how to describe God. Some psalms are harder to understand, but I promise most of them you find glimpses of this God who loves you!

 Learn How to Know God Through the Psalms here!

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