The Kindness of God

The Kindness of God

Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him because we have trusted in His holy name.
Let Your mercy – (covenant keeping love) be upon us, just as we hope in You.
Psalm 33:20-22 (emphasis mine)

Rejoice by waiting, trusting, and hoping. So how do we see the kindness of God? 

Wait on God to move. Trust His timing. Hope is the assurance that He will keep His covenant, or promises. His mercy for us is a covent keeping love. Which love has abandoned you? A spouses? A parent? A child or friend? God’s love will never leave us. It will always always always be there. No matter what. 

Our covenant-keeping loving God will never fail us. People will. Circumstances will. The government, our family, even pets eventually die….but God will here. And his love is one based on His promises. The promises He made to the children of Israel are pictures of the promises He makes to us. 

O that we would remember that His love is not dependent on our actions or attitudes. His love wraps us around and around until we realize we are safe. Not on our own merits, but because He has promised it. Like a child, we can trust our Heavenly Father to come through for us. We can. I’ve tested it. It is true. He loves us so. 

The kindness is what gets me. His kindness is evident in all of these things. The suffering, the pain, the heartache, the questions, the doubts, and even in our deepest darkest pits I’ve seen the kindness of God. In a world where you can be anything, be kind, they say, because kindness matters. Know what? People aren’t kind. Even the well-intentioned people can be unkind. But my God is kind. It is all He can be. Even in the suffering, it is the kindness of God. 

The darkest day? The cross? It was the kindness of God that kept the Savior on the boards with nails in His hands. It is in the cross we see the depths of the kindness of God. So, can we say with Paul – if God gave us the BEST (His son), why would He keep the other things from us? 

So if I don’t have it – it means I don’t need it. That’s harsh. I know. I realize for the woman who wants a baby and has waited years to conceive, we struggle to see the kindness of God. The mother who just wants to hold her baby in her arms instead of visiting his tombstone on birthdays cannot say with superficial hope: I believe in the kindness of God. She must see beyond the tears. She needs His grace. Suffering doesn’t mean God isn’t kind. Remember the cross. 

Let me say this: no one ever has never suffered. If you are grown up just a bit you understand suffering. So when I say we see the kindness of God in our suffering, I don’t mean we feel it. I don’t mean we even believe it totally. I’m saying the kindness of God means we see His love in the dark. In the mercy on the cross, see the kindness of a Father who bears our burdens with us. I’m sure Jesus didn’t feel the kindness of God while hanging in agony with the sun darkened in the sky.  Yet here we are. 

Remember. A balm for the soul is to remember. Remember God. Remember His promises. Today I read in the psalms. Remember truth, friend.

I’m excited about my brand new designed reading plan. It is the called “Your Bible Reading Plan.”Your Bible Reading Plan  It is simple, easy, and completely doable. If you do one section a day in a couple of years you’ve read through the Bible. Don’t rush or feel the need to read everyday. Take your time, but keep consistent! I hope this helps you, friend.

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