How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Making a Plan


How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Making a Plan

Today I’m going to share with you one simple way you can start reading the Bible. The questions I get when it comes to Bible study is how to start. So here is how to start: 

Get a Plan

That’s it. Get a plan. Having a plan is the best way to start. If you are wanting a ready-made-plan, scroll to the bottom. If you would like to make your own Bible reading plan, let me walk you through a couple of thoughts. For so many years I would struggle with just reading my Bible. I didn’t know WHERE to read?!? The Bible was filled with good verses, but I had no idea where those verses were. I always felt so guilty when it came to my Bible. I loved God’s Word and Loved listening to other people talk about the Bible. But I didn’t read it. It was just so…..intimidating. It felt like a huge book and many times I was just confused when I was reading it. How could I even study it? 

Friend. Let me encourage you. You can do this. Bible study is not just for the “elite” Christian. It is for you. One of the first classes I took was on how to study the Bible (on my own). Wait….what? I was so confused and was halfway through the class before I realized a truth I would love to share with you today, dear friend. It is this: you can study the Bible even if you feel like you don’t know enough or are not deep enough in your faith. 

As I learned how to study the Bible, I realized God’s word was meant to be understood. That’s right. It was not a big mystery treasure box I had to have the “special key” to open. I already had the key to the treasure. I had God’s Word and a desire to learn. Yes, I would eventually (after six long years) get a degree in Biblical Studies, but I didn’t wait until my degree to start studying the Bible. I started during that very first class. I remember doing a Bible study on the book of Ruth. On my own! If you are starting, GET A PLAN and know you are able to do this! 

Are you ready to read your Bible? 

Here are a few free Bible reading plans you can start using today!

​Read Through the Bible (Not in a Year)This is a slower method, with only three chapters a day. It takes about 5-10 minutes. You can read through the entire Bible in about two years. I started reading through the Bible using this method years ago and I love it.

Topical Bible Reading – Are you struggling with a certain area in your life? Download these five different plans here. Each day takes about 5 minutes. All of the verses center around one topic. Find them here.

​12 Days in the Psalms is my BRAND NEW Bible reading plan. This plan is free. So, find it here. 

Developing a prayer life isn’t easy. It will taken time to keep going. But it is worth it.

Prayer does not fit us for the great works; prayer is the great work.
– Oswald Chambers

Download this amazing printable and let’s get organized!

I Thess. 5:17says “Pray without ceasing”… let’s start today!



Sarah E. Frazer is a writer and Bible study mentor at She is the wife of Jason and mother of five who all serve as full-time missionaries in Honduras. Her passion is to encourage women to fall in love with the Bible. Sarah is the author of several Bible study resources for women. She shares tools for deep-rooted Bible study at Follow her on Instagram ( and join her free prayer challenge at
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