When Should I Read My Bible?

When Should I Read My Bible?

When I was in college I would get up early, before my first class, sit in my bedroom and open my Bible first thing in the morning. I’ve always been a morning person. My brain works better in the morning, my head is clear and my thoughts are precise. So when I was young, with no obligations, and on my own time-table I would always choose to read my Bible and do my study in the mornings. This was before I even drank coffee. Sometimes I even arrived late for class because I was so wrapped up in reading my Bible. 

Fast forward to the summer after giving birth to my first son. Sleep deprived and hormonal I struggled to get out of bed when he was awake, let alone get up earlier than him. My “quiet times” ending up happening at his nap time. My mother reassured me this season would pass, I would start to feel better, and get my energy back. Little did I know two years later I found myself even more sleep deprived because suddenly I had two boys – one toddler and one newborn. The toddler was definitely not letting me sleep in and the newborn was keeping me up at night. 

Suddenly, I found myself struggling with personal Bible study. At the time I was taking online Bible classes, so I studied and read the Bible for class, but rarely did it commune with God. Those first few years do seem like a blur. They were long, hard and I’m not sure I ever had a “plan” for reading my Bible. I read whenever I could get a free “quiet” moment. 

Over the years I’ve always heard the mornings is the best time to read your Bible, but I have to disagree. The best time to read your Bible is right now. I don’t mean this instant, but whatever time you think about reading your Bible – read it! Maybe you are an early bird, read it then. Maybe you work better at night, then right before bed is a great time to read your Bible. 

We want to do the “right” thing – but let me tell you a secret: there is no “right time” to read your Bible. The best time is what works best for you when you can be consistent. The key is not when but how often. Habits form naturally when we repeat an action over and over again. Making Bible reading a habit can only be done if we are intentional about reading our Bibles. Just pick a time! Here are three benefits for reading your Bible during these specific times. 

The Benefits of Reading in the Morning

  1. You get your day started on a positive note. 
  2. The morning is when most people are fresh and awake. 
  3. There is something special about giving God the “first fruits” of our day. 

The Benefits of Reading During Lunch

  1. You can be a witness at work or home. This is an opportunity for your co-workers (or children) to see you open the Bible and be a witness by not even saying a word. 
  2. It breaks up your day, gives you energy and positive thoughts for the afternoon and evening. 
  3. We eat lunch regularly, so reading during this time will help us make Bible reading a habit. 

The Benefits of Reading at Night 

  1. Some people work better at night, so maybe you are the freshest at night. 
  2. Reading at night can easily fit into any night-time routine. We usually don’t go to bed at different times. 
  3. Can you imagine the last thoughts before you go to sleep being those of God? Instead of a T.V. Show or book, you are reading God’s very words to you! What a great way to fall asleep. 


No matter when you choose to read your Bible (you could even choose all three times!), God will meet you there. And it takes effort. So pick a time and stick with it for several days and weeks. Realize that your schedule, lifestyle, and circumstances might change so be flexible. What worked for me ten years ago would not work now, but what works now is perfect. 


Remember: just start! 

Having trouble starting? Why not try one of these reading plans – free here

Sarah E. Frazer is a writer and Bible study mentor at sarahefrazer.com. She is the wife of Jason and mother of five who all serve as full-time missionaries in Honduras. Her passion is to encourage women to fall in love with the Bible. Sarah is the author of several Bible study resources for women. She shares tools for deep-rooted Bible study at sarahefrazer.com. Follow her on Instagram (http://www.instagram.com/sarah_e_frazer) and join her free prayer challenge at sarahefrazer.com/prayer

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