Let’s Write the Word

Let’s Write the Word

Do you find yourself longing to really connect with God’s word? I’m not talking about a spiritual feeling, but an actual connection that happens in our minds, our feelings, and our very souls. The Christian world is filled with in-depth Bible studies, but there is something SUPER simple about just writing out God’s words. 

Many hundreds of years ago men would gather in monasteries to write God’s word. These monks would spend hours upon hours simply copying each letter and word of the Bible. It was full of labor and sometimes painful, but they persevered to preserve God’s holy word. There was a specific room and they would have to smooth the paper, produce their own special ink, and replace their quills often. Even so, they painstakingly wrote God’s word!

I’ve discovered something as I’ve begun to write out God’s word more consistently: there is a deep connection between the pen and the mind. As I formed the letters with my 21st century pen, I was copying the same exact words the men in the monasteries did! The word of God doesn’t change and maybe the practice to write out God’s word reminds us of this truth! 

My 29-page Write the Word Journal is the perfect place to start (or continue) the practice of writing out God’s word. Each day of the Write the Word journal provides a suggested scripture, but feel free to print the blank sheets at the end to use your own Bible reading plan! If you need a plan, one is provided for you!

Grab some colored pencils or pens and begin to FOCUS on God’s word as you WRITE the truth of His love for you on the pages of your journal and hopefully WRITE the same truths onto your heart!

The Write the Word Journal includes plenty of space to be creative, no matter how small or large you like to write. The flexible download can be printed in two sizes. You can print the smaller version, which can be folded and placed in your Bible. The second version is a 8×11.5 sized. Print this version and then either get it bound or put it in a binder to keep it safe.

Get a copy here!

A few years ago I began this practice of writing out God’s word. At first it seemed tedious to write out scripture. As I sat down at the kitchen table each morning with my Bible open something happened. Instead of reading through several chapters at a time, I slowed down.

Each word was carefully copied into my notebook with my pen. As I formed the letters and words their meanings etched their way into my heart.

Slow down today and read only one verse (maybe two) to let the truth sink way down deep into your very soul. There is power in slowing down and writing out just one or two verses.

Each day of the Write the Word Journal provides a suggested scripture, but feel free to print the blank sheets at the end to use your own Bible reading plan! If you need a plan, one is provided for you!

This printable Write the Word Journal includes:

  • Over 22 pages of journal
  • Two different files for custom printing
  • Space to be creative
  • Two Bible reading plans


  • An audio devotional, “What Can Grow in the Dark?”
  • Three MORE Bible Reading Plans
  • Beautiful Lock Screens for your Phone
  • Matching Printable Verse Cards

I pray this beautiful journal helps you stay organized and grow closer to God!

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