When to Change Your Bible Reading Plan

When to Change Your Bible Reading Plan

In August I had big plans to read through the Bible in nine months! To be able to follow a reading plan like this I would have to read five-six chapters a day. Normally I think I would be able to do this. I was able to follow this plan a few years ago, but after our family’s upheaval in July, I knew I would not be able to keep up this pace. We are currently living with my parents while we wait for our house to be ready. When we had to move from Central America we had no warning and no belongings. We have what is important but we have no furniture, bedding, towels, or basic kitchen items. Basically, we had to start over completely. 

I found myself struggling to keep up and frustrated with my reading plan. So I switched it up. Maybe it is time you did the same. Here are four clues as to when to change your Bible reading plan: 

1. You keep having to “catch up.” If you are missing so many days or can’t seem to read everything required each day, it is time to change. Don’t feel bad. Just know that constantly feeling like you have to “catch up” is missing the point of opening your Bible! 

2. You don’t want to read. You might want to switch if your desire is gone. I shared ways to help you get out of rut when it comes to Bible reading here.

3. You feel overwhelmed. If you are struggling to keep up or understand the passage, switch it up. Each month in my Facebook group we read a different book of the Bible. Last month we read Ezra and this month is Matthew. If you start reading one month but feel like it is too much, choose a different book of the Bible. Life is overwhelming, but your Bible reading shouldn’t be. 

4. Your life has shifted. I don’t have to tell you how my story has shifted, but when and if your plan for your life isn’t going as you had envisioned, it is time to switch it up. Find a new Bible reading plan when you find yourself in a different season. Maybe you need to spend some time in Psalms, the Gospels, or even Proverbs during times of upheaval. 

Whatever the reason you have to change your Bible reading plan, just know you have permission! Just because you start something doesn’t mean you have to continue doing it. Bible reading shouldn’t be overwhelming or hard.

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