Why Does the Resurrection Even Matter?

Why Does the Resurrection Even Matter? 

If there was ever a Monday that felt like a Monday, it is the day after Easter. Our family had a wonderful celebration of Jesus’ amazing Resurrection yesterday, but waking up this morning was hard work. I sipped my coffee in the quiet hours, but soon heard the footsteps of my children coming down the stairs. 

School, therapy, and laundry are waiting for me. Celebrating the pinnacle of God’s amazing love, light, and plan yesterday seems distant as I walk back into my normal life. Is God’s resurrection power helpful for me, when I face the ordinary mundane moments of today?  

Of course we would say yes, but how? 

  • How is God’s power over death helpful for me when I pick up toys? 
  • How is God’s amazing display of glory beneficial to me while I wait for the coffee to brew in the afternoons? 
  • How can I make Jesus’ resurrection a daily part of my life? 

The answer is found in 1 Corinthians 15. Jesus’ resurrection impacts our faith, our forgiveness, and our future. Let’s take a look at three key verses from this chapter to see how the resurrection matters.

And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.
1 Corinthians 15:14

Our faith is rooted in Christ’s resurrection. We have our faith, our foundation for daily living, all built upon this truth. If we didn’t have it, our faith would be empty. What would be our purpose in getting up and teaching our children to be kind and loving, if it wasn’t real? What would be the purpose of getting up and texting a friend an encouragement if Jesus was still dead? Our faith is rooted in the resurrection. Remember your faith today. You believe in a God who is alive and has defeated death. The resurrection matters because we need that foundation of faith every single day. 

And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!
1 Corinthians 15:17

I don’t know about you, but I am constantly messing up. Each day I wake up with good intentions, but the minutes tick by and I find myself lashing out in frustration or harboring feelings of bitterness. Sin creeps up into my heart and mind on a daily basis. I need to remember that forgiveness and mercy are possible – only because of the resurrection! We have forgiveness and the washing of souls clean because Jesus took on the wrath of God, paid the price for our sins, and now stands alive in heaven next to God as our advocate. The resurrection matters because we need that forgiveness every day. 

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57

Although we might not spend time on a daily basis thinking about the future, maybe we should. Our lives are sometimes really hard and filled with busy work, but the resurrection reminds us of an amazing truth: God wins! The victory over sin, sorrow, and death has already been won. We need to remember that this world is not our home. We are just traveling through. Our true home is waiting for us, and only because of the resurrection do we have a foundation for that hope. Do you feel pulled down by how hard life is right now? Have hope! Remember the resurrection because God is waiting to make all things right. The resurrection matters because we need to remember our future home.

Join me and thousands of other women as we study 1 & 2 Corinthians with the First 5 app! 

Does the Bible feel far from your reality? Does it feel like maybe your situation is outside of God’s realm of answers and you begin to lose hope? 

You are not alone and it’s exactly why I’d love for you to join me for our next First 5 study 1 & 2 Corinthians, Wisdom for the Questions You Have And Hope For The Discouragement You Feel. 

If you’re searching for hope when it feels like nothing will ever change, you have somewhere to turn. We have access to a real God, who has given us real solutions to our real-life struggles. Let’s find them together on April 17. (If you are reading this after April 17, no worries! These devotionals are available all of the time on the First 5 App!)

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