When Our Faith is Tired, Tested, and Torn

When Our Faith is Tired, Tested, and Torn: A Book Review

Eight years ago I sat at a table where I didn’t know anyone. It was during a writer’s conference and one of the meals included a special lunch for members of the Compel community. (Check out Compel here.) I remember sitting next to this beautiful woman with bright eyes and blond hair. Her smile stretched across her face. During that time we chatted about writing, books, and then family. Her and her family were beginning the stages of foster care. Our family had just brought home our daughter from China. 

After the conference I gathered the courage to send her an email. I asked her to be my mentor on this book writing journey. She said yes and since then we’ve become dear friends. Our stories have woven in and out the book writing community and into our ministry life as well. Over the years she has become one of my dearest friends and I can’t wait to share her newest book with you today. 

Tired, Tested, and Torn Faith

Micah’s story isn’t a picture perfect image that fits into a frame. Instead, she has faced hardship and heartache just like most of us. When her dad died of cancer God walked Micah through the book of James. She took the lessons she learned from James and has written this beautiful, life-giving, and life changing Bible study. 

You all know Bible study is my favorite, but this Bible study is different! As a busy mom, I don’t have thirty or sixty minutes to spend on my Bible study time. Micah’s book is perfect for those of us who need someone to help walk us through scripture. I love studying whole books of the Bible. 

Micah’s teaching is always on point and thoughtful. She gives clear and relatable examples. The separate days are very doable for even the busiest of women! James has five chapters and there are five chapters in this book. You will discover that faith isn’t something we need to muster up – faith comes when we look to Jesus! 

Even if you feel tired, torn, and weary, faith is possible. You are not too far gone. Jesus is waiting for you and if you get Micah’s book you will be reminded of the truth by Jesus’ teaching, Solomon’s wisdom, and the insights of the disciple James. I plan on doing this study with several ladies this fall. Why don’t you join me? 

Get your copy here

For a limited time Micah is offering teaching videos!

Go to Micah’s website and enter your email address. Once you do that you will have access to the free videos that go along with each week. So gather up a bunch of girlfriends and get to studying! 

God’s word matters and Micah helps bring it alive for us. 

Micah Maddox is a Bible teacher, writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries First 5 App, and author of Anchored In: Experience a Power-Full Life in a Problem-Filled World. She is passionate about helping women find purpose, peace, and calm in a chaotic world through the power of God’s Word. As a pastor’s wife, mother of five and foster mom, she contributes her time to her family and local church.

Micah’s James Study here.

Get the Free Online Videos here.

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