The Benefits of Doing Bible Study Together

The Benefits of Doing Bible Study Together
The snacks were laid out. My living room was clean. I picked up the last few toys that were scattered by the front door. I noticed the crumbs left over from dinner on the table. Rushing to the kitchen, I grabbed the washcloth and wiped them up. The doorbell rang and I jumped.
“Time for Bible study!” I called out to my children and husband. They began to make their way to the playroom in the basement while I answered the door. My friend stood there smiling, her kids right behind her. I invited them in.

“Everyone’s already down there,” I said as they took off their jackets and shoes at the door. The kids yelled greetings as my friend and I laughed at the craziness coming up from the stairs. My husband would keep an eye on the kids while other ladies joined us for just an hour and half of joy.
Having that woman’s Bible study in my home every other Thursday saved my life. I became such close friends with those women. It was all centered around the Bible. Although I could name a million reasons, here are just three on why I think you should never do Bible study alone. Community is always better.

Why Community is Better
- You challenge each other. I did not pretend to have all of the answers. Mainly because I didn’t, but because having a Bible study is more than just answering questions or having knowledge. We would learn, but we also come together to hear each other’s perspective. Although most of us were around the same age and stage in life, we all brought our own unique experiences to the discussion every time we got together. I loved hearing the passage from the Bible from a different point of view. It challenged me and encouraged me to see that the Bible wasn’t something to master, but something to constantly be ingesting.
- You rejoice and cry together. Not only would we talk about the Bible, but we would talk about our lives. We would share prayer requests and give each other updates on our families. In those times we would often cry and laugh together. Communion is more than just passing along information; it is actually entering into the life of someone else. We did that as we got together. It was centered around the Bible, but it also included entering into each other’s lives.
- You grow together. Although Bible knowledge is good and should be pursued, Spiritual growth is the goal of all our Bible study. I can’t speak for my friends, but for myself I made such deep and lasting spiritual growth during that time. In fact, I became more convinced and more deeply in love with God’s Word after studying together with these women than ever in my life.
I’m not sure what season you might find yourself in, but I invite you to think about starting your own Bible study. I didn’t know how to be a teacher, and I didn’t know much about the Bible, but I knew I wanted to learn. More than that I was lonely. I didn’t have many friends, but over the course of several years I became very close friends with these women.

How to Start Your Own In-Home Bible Study
If this sounds like something you would like to do, down this free guide to get started! Maybe you are a little intimidated and your inadequacies are right in front of your face. Download your FREE workbook:
“How to Start Your Own In-Home Bible Study”!
This guide will help walk you step-by-step to start your own in-home Bible. You will discover:
- The Five Steps to Leading a Good Bible Study
- The Myths about Leading a Bible Study
- How to Host the Perfect Place (without cleaning your whole house)
I help you answer the questions you might have like, “Who do I invite?” and “What Bible study do I use?”

With over 15 years of expense, I’ve developed this amazing 21-page workbook on starting your own in-home Bible study. If you know 3 people who would like to study the Bible with you, you can start one today! Download for free!
Believe me, I struggled for many years feeling like I wasn’t enough to lead a Bible study. God reminded me over and over again: No, I’m not, but He is. Women will show up for your Bible study because of the Bible, not you. Get encouragement, practical help, and bet the first know about my workbook by signing up below.