5 Minute Bible Study on Psalm 46

5 Minute Bible Study on Psalm 46
“…though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea…” Psalm 46:2b
The phone call that changed our family’s life felt like a mountain had moved into the midst of the sea and the waves would crush us all. The hearts of my husband and I were utterly broken. Dreams, plans, and life itself suddenly felt like it was falling out from underneath us. The words from Psalm 46 echoed over and over again, “…though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” Our world was spinning out of control and felt each twist as a dagger.

In that moment there is nothing left to do but to cry. And I did. For the entire month, thirty days, I cried everyday. The tears would well up and trickle down my cheeks. Sometimes they would flood my pillow at night as I sobbed. But eventually the tears dried up. Life goes on.
Our Plans
After the moment of heartache had passed, we found ourselves looking around. After our world turned upside down there came a moment when I suddenly realized I was standing firm on solid ground. I would be ok. At first it felt like we would never feel solid ground, but the truth was our solid ground wasn’t found in what we thought it did. Our solid ground wasn’t found in moving forward or just “getting over it.” Our solid ground wasn’t a certainty about the future. The solid ground was our faith in God.
What had previously kept us steady and upright were our plans, our dreams, and our life. When God removed those things, we were forced to look up. And what we saw was the most unexpected and most beautiful thing: God Himself. Psalm 46:1 became my silent anthem.

God is our refuge.
That phrase repeated in my mind the weeks and months after the phone call. As I fought with fear in my heart, I read Psalm 46 again. And again. God was much bigger and less understandable than I could ever imagine. This is why faith is the foundation for our lives.
The psalmist knew the pain of losing everything. Fear is natural but fear never gets the final word. For the author of Psalm 46 he was declaring the truth of the situation in the face of the situation.
The worst-case scenario might have come true, or is close to coming true, but the real Truth is that God is our refuge. Life’s situations do not dictate God. In verse one we read the solid point at which the author lays his head to rest upon. God would be his “present” help. Kinder writes:
“…where the term very present has implications of his readiness to be ‘found’ and of his being ‘enough’ for the situation.” (From Psalm 1-72 by Derek Kinder)

Bible Study on Psalm 46
God would be ready; He was already ready to step into our life. God is close and He is enough. He is working whether we see it or not. The world’s upside moments are not too much for our God. So we go to Him. We go to His word, study the truth that is laid out before us in this Psalm. Take a moment to study Psalm 46 with these questions. Print off this free page to keep it in your Bible or on your table to remind you of the truth.
- What type of worse-case scenario could you face that you wouldn’t be able to handle? Name it below. Is God bigger than even that?
- What does it mean for God to be present in your life?
- How do the following verses remind your heart of truth?
Psalm 5:11, Psalm 17:7, Ruth 2:12