Psalms for The Election Season

Psalms for the Election Season
Anyone else feel strained and stressed about the election season?
This year has felt extremely hard on my heart as we go through another long election season. Two parties, two ends of the spectrum, and it all feels so divisive. Out there on the internet everyone is talking about this side or that side. Then we have those who are talking about not taking sides….to vote or not to vote?
My husband and I sit in bed and sometimes talk about politics. We could talk for hours. You and I could probably talk for hours as well. We might agree on some things, we might not. For me, I avoid talking about it to friends. What if they disagree? What if we just agree and get fired up about the “other side”?
The state of our nation, at least here in the United States, but even around the world, can also be incredibly depressing. Our world celebrates evil, makes the wrong things right, and just can’t come together and respect each other anymore. How are we to naviagte this season?
I worry about the state of our country for my children, and even for myself in the coming few years. Anxiety can pull me down the rabbit hole of uncertainty and I don’t like that feeling. The other day I was talking to a friend, and she knew I loved the psalms. She suggested I take some of the psalms and read them in light of the coming election season.

Do you want to know what I found?
Comfort. Hope. Peace. That’s right. I’m not dreading the election season as much anymore as I’ve read through several of these psalms. If I find myself watching the news and that old feeling of anxiety creeps up, I pull out this list of psalms and start reading. Here are a few of the psalms for the election season that might encourage your heart as well. Scroll to the bottom to find a link to download the entire list.
Psalms to Encourage You
Psalm 2 – The king is coming! This is a messianic psalm and one that reminds us that Jesus is on the throne. One day He will return and be our ultimate king. It doesn’t matter what nations do today, Jesus is our King!
Psalm 11 – God is on His throne, and in this psalm, we read that He is on His “holy temple” and His “throne is in heaven.” God is not distant from us, but nearby. The temple was a place where the Jew met God. Today, we have the Holy Spirit, and we are God’s temple. God is close to us and in control.
Psalm 24 – All of the earth belongs to God. Even our country, the rulers, and what happens is all within the realm of God’s possession. Take comfort that nothing in His hand will go off course. He is our King of Glory.
Psalm 37 – This is the perfect picture of what it means to trust in God. When our heart is placed in God’s hands, we can rest that He is in control, and even evil will one day be punished. God orders our steps, and we can believe He is on our side!
Psalm 46 – This psalm describes how the world can sometimes turn upside down (which I feel like we are in such a state now). But God is our refuge. God is still in heaven, and He will work. We only need to “be still” and trust His plan!

In addition, Psalms 93-100 are all related to God’s king and the future reign of the Messiah, which is Jesus. Download the entire list here.